Bananas “foster” with nut crumble

IMG_8438Yesterday I admit, I was decided to take a few minutes and veg on the couch during the day.  This is a luxury I allow myself every once in awhile.  I was sitting there watching “Chopped” on Food Network, and all of a sudden I found myself in the kitchen inspired to make something seasonal with what I had on hand.  I was craving a paleo – that is grain free- granola I had bought once at Whole Foods, but had put back the day before because I realized I could make that and save myself the money.  So that was my inspiration.

This recipe is so easy, yet so good!  You can use this nut crumble granola thing in the morning with a banana and almond milk, or maybe in some yogurt.


Sweet and Sour Meatballs


Growing up these were one of my favorites!  My Mom would make them for parties to serve as appetizers with those little square rye bread slices to soak up the sauce.  Sometimes she would even make them for dinner and we would have them over rice – YUM!

Now a days I make them for parties also, and my family will eat the left overs for dinner over brown rice with steamed broccoli thrown in with the meatballs.

This recipe makeover from my youth is all about upgrading the ingredients.  Using grass fed beef, and finding chili sauce and jelly that don’t have high fructose corn syrup of a bunch of other ingredients that I don’t want to use.  I also make vegan meatballs for myself to put in the sauce.

Note, these are full of sugar even when you swap out for better ingredients – so they are a treat!  A party appetizer or when served for dinner make sure to add A LOT of veggies to counter the sugar in the sauce.

Hot Chocolate

It’s getting to be that time of year where we want to stay inside and snuggle up with a warm drink in our hands.  This recipe is for a hot chocolate that you don’t have to feel guilty about.  Actually it has some surprising super foods in it – Cacao (no I did not spell it wrong), cinammon, and my favorite Maple Syrup.



Maple Syrup

Arugula Quinoa Salad

This salad is always a bit hit. I think it is from the sweetness of the grapes and the crunch of the pine nuts. You can change the fruit, greens or nuts, or add in more veggies to your liking. The idea is using a grain in your salad to bulk it up. You can also add a protein (although quinoa is a great source of protein) like grilled chicken, or shrimp.

Buffalo Broccoli/Cauliflower “Wings”

The first time I made this dish was for a Super Bowl party. I have to say everyone really liked it and didn’t even care that it was cauliflower! After having a version made with broccoli at a restaurant, I started making it with both broccoli and cauliflower – although Paige prefers just broccoli!

Baked Kale Chips

These are really fun and easy to make even without a recipe. Just toss kale with oil put them on the pan and sprinkle with whatever you think would taste good. Start with just salt and then have fun! You can even make them sweet by adding a bit of maple syrup when you toss them in the oil.

And remember…like all leafy greens, Kale shrivels when it is cooked so it may look like a lot when you put it in the oven, but not when it comes out. To be safe, make 2 bunches so you can have leftovers.