Hot Chocolate

It’s getting to be that time of year where we want to stay inside and snuggle up with a warm drink in our hands.  This recipe is for a hot chocolate that you don’t have to feel guilty about.  Actually it has some surprising super foods in it – Cacao (no I did not spell it wrong), cinammon, and my favorite Maple Syrup.



Maple Syrup

Yummy Hot Chocolate
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This hot chocolate is made with real ingredients. You can adjust quantities of the Cacao, Maple Syrup and Cinnamon to suit your taste.
1 Cup
1 Cup
Yummy Hot Chocolate
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This hot chocolate is made with real ingredients. You can adjust quantities of the Cacao, Maple Syrup and Cinnamon to suit your taste.
1 Cup
1 Cup
Servings: Cup
  1. Put all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat
  2. When starts to get hot, use a whisk to whip and form a froth
  3. Heat to temperature of your liking - careful not to make it too hot!
  4. Optional: Top with fresh whip cream or coconut cream
  5. ENJOY
Recipe Notes

You can play with the recipe and make variations - maybe add a little vanilla or nutmeg.  You can also make a really yummy drink omitting the cocao and adding a touch of vanilla.

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